In Nigeria, that you graduate from the University is no guarantee that you will get a job. That you have spent 2, 3 or even four yours and more searching for a job, only to find none is no longer news. We have gotten so used to the unemployment thing like it's supposed to be a normal pattern of society.
The job search scenario is so grim
that some graduates have even up on searching. When you do find an opening that looks like something you are suited for, your hopes will be dashed when you are find out the job requires 3, 4 or 5 years work experience which you do not and cannot have as long as you are unemployed.
A sad story and big lesson worth learning form is the recent Nigerian Immigration Service recruitment testing exercise. Inside reports have it that of the over 4,556 jobs, 4,316 has already been allocated to well-connected politicians, including lawmakers. Only 240 of the jobs were actually available for the over 522,652 unfortunate applicants who went out in their numbers last Saturday with the hopes of getting a lucky spot with the job of which some 12-16 persons have been reported dead across the country. Sad.
© Precious Nwanganga 2014
Precious is
a Sales Professional, a Marketing and Distribution Specialist. He is a writer,
a blogger, a Trainer, Entrepreneur & Strategist. He blogs about Business, Career Tips, Health Tips, Ideas,
Politics, Society, Issues, News, Music and MONEY… He tweets with the twitter handle @peepmoney
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