Merry Christmas from Pmoney!

Hey guys!!!

It's that time of the year again. Everyone and everywhere is buzzing with activity, and filled with excitement! It's a good time to remind ourselves about the true meaning and reason for the season.

For some persons,  the year might have been a not-so-good one,  with little or nothing to celebrate, but if we really check, we'll find that we do have at least something to be thankful for.

It's been a pretty eventful year for me, so much has happened and a lot has changed and been learned. In retrospect, I do have so much to be grateful for. Every experience, every challenge, every trip, every meeting, and every conversation was worth it. I have been thoroughly equipped for the next phase of my life of which 2015 will mark the beginning.

As we make merry, wine and dine, let's not forget to show love to everyone around us,  to pray for the peace,  stability and prosperity of our country,  and appropriate the blessings Christ's birth brings to us at Christmas. Do something special and significant for that someone who may never be able to repay you - that is what true benevolence is about.

I pray that the joys and blessings of Christ's birth, abide with you and yours, bringing you peace, prosperity and good tidings now and in the new year.

Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous 2015 ahead!


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Download FREE Christmas Songs: 

Christmas Medley by AJ

Viva Jesu by James Numbere
Follow Precious Nwanganga on twitter: @Pmoney_Talks

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