Simple Tips to Hack-Proof Your Home Network


We were as shocked as you could be right now when we learned that there is a hack happening every 39 seconds. That is just too fast a time frame for us.

Now that many people are spending more time at home due to the pandemic, more home hacks and attacks have been reported. After all, your home network is what you are now using to access your sensitive accounts right now. For some who have to work from home, it is also the same network that they use to access their work servers.

With that alone, you can see why hackers are extra motivated.

You don’t have to fall victim to them, though. Not if you do any of the following.


Secure your router

Your internet router is the first point of call. That is the unit to which almost all (if not all) of your internet-enabled devices are connected to. It is, thus, one of the first points of call for a hacker looking to breach your entire network.

We recommend changing the name of your router altogether. You can choose something funny, generic, or personal, but it should not contain the original name of the router. Some hackers are savvy enough to go check online records for default passwords which many router companies use on their products. Knowing the name of your router, they could also exploit known vulnerabilities in such router firmware to hack you.

See Also: 8 Tips to Improve the Wi-Fi Signal of Your Home

That said, also change the default password on your router to something more secure. Your passwords can usually be as long as you want. Better still, use a password generator to create a secure password – and store it in a password manager.


Secure your Units

An unnamed casino was once hacked in the most ingenious of ways. Even though every other system in the casino was kept secure, a smart thermometer for the aquarium provided the backdoor for those hackers.

Taking control of the smart thermostat, the hacker proceeded to infiltrate the network further till they went to the main computers. Here, the database containing a list of high rollers and other such data was stolen. What that will be used for is anyone’s guess at this point.

Such an occurrence lends more credence to the fact that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Thus, even your printer on the network needs to be kept safe.

Unfortunately, not all of these connected devices have an interface for you to set passwords on. To keep them all secure, you should set up a home VPN router. This encrypts all the data coming in and out of all of the connected devices. That way, hackers cannot hijack your conversations, intercept files or breach the data stream.


Install Antivirus software

Antivirus software is still very much relevant in today’s cybersecurity landscape.

Hackers can send malware over your network into your devices, especially when you are using an unencrypted network. Connecting an infected unit (such as external storage device, smartphone, etc.) to your computers could also introduce a virus.

See Also: Basic Cybersecurity Rules to Ensure Online Safety for Internet Users

It is more frightening to note that most viruses will not kick into action the instant they infect your computer. They can lie dormant until the attacker feels it is time to advance their actions. In other instances, the software can silently record your data and send it back to the hacker’s server. No matter how you look at it, it is not good.

If you download a lot of files from the internet, you must never do without an antivirus program either.

With one of these in tow, you are better prepared against such dangers whenever they happen.


There is never anything as being too prepared against a data breach. But you can be ill-prepared. With the tips above, we assure you that you are never ill-prepared against most data breaches and hacks that could be coming your way via your home network.

Article authored by Chris Jones @TurnOnVPN for
Featured Image by TheDigitalArtist from Pixabay

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